Special FX | Makeup | Visual Artist

I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. When I was young I was constantly scribbling on paper (and sometimes even the walls) with crayons, markers, and pencils. This passion to create has never left me, it just grew and evolved as I did. This is what drove me to get a BFA in animation from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, and an associates degree in specialized business: special effects makeup from Douglas Education Center. After completing my formal education, I apprenticed to learn the art of tattooing. I have now been tattooing for over a year. It is my goal to combine my love of a variety of different mediums and techniques to create the greatest end results possible for whatever project I am working on. No matter if I'm sculpting a crazy creature, or doing a colorful, cartoony tattoo, I am only truly happy when I'm fully engulfed in my artistic imagination.
Makeup/SFX Work Experience
Locust Street Entertainment, Pittsburgh, PA
Webseries "Theo and the Professor"
Lead Makeup Artist
Creature Design
Short Film "Baby"
Makeup Artist
Awarded best makeup by Pittsburgh's 48 Hour Film Project
Stage Makeup, Haunted Oaks Film Festival
Short Film "Marn"
Makeup Artist​
Awarded best makeup by Pittsburgh's 48 Hour Film Project​
Hundred Acres Manor Haunted Attraction, South Park, PA
Core Makeup Artist
Core Actor
PNC Park's Zombie Night
Short Film, 100.7 Bubba Show's "100.7 Acres From Hell"
Freelance Makeup Artist
​Stage Show, "Winnie-The-Pooh And The 7 Deadly Sins", The Rage of the Stage Players Production
48 in 24 Project
Feature, "My Autopsy" , A Screaming Butterfly Entertainment Production
Commercial, "Family Medical Center"
Short Film, "Zombies: Art Brings You to Life: Episode 2", Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Production
Feature, “Batsh!t”, A Just Buried Production
Short Film, "Zombies: Art Brings You to Life: Episode 1", Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Production
Stage Show, “Fright Night”, The Rage of the Stage Players Production
24 in 24 Project 6.0
Music Video, "The Cicada Tree" by Byzantine
Short Film, "It's A Wonderful District", Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Production
Short Film, “Pickin’ Up Mickey Kelly”, A Vinegar Hill Production
Short Film, “Hobo Hunters”, A Reckless Amnesiac Production
24 in 24 Project 4.0
Music Video, “Burn Them All” by Lexa Terrestrial
Music Video, “Dawn” by Echo Black
Short Film, "The Replacement"
Ted Rouse's Turner Classic Movie Contest Submission
Eat Your Heart Out: Zombie Valentine's Day Show
Greene County Boy Scouts Annual First Aid Competition
Webseries, “A Day in the Life of a Vigilante”
RAW Pittsburgh Presents: Verve
Short Film, “Blink of an Eye”, A Death Dealer Production